On Saying Please: Summary and Questions

Alpha of the Plough is the pen name of Alfred George Gardiner, an English journalist, biographer and essayist. “On saying please” is an apt commentary on the mannerism of people in the society. The writer wants people to be civil and courteous. The world is a place where, we have to live with a lot of different people who have different attitudes, different manners, traditions and mentalities.

Footprints without Feet: Summary and Questions Answers

The story “Footprints Without Feet” is an excerpt from the novel “The Invisible Man” written by H.G wells. The novel deals with the adventures of a scientist – Griffin, who discovers a mysterious drug that could make the human body invisible. He is invisible after taking the medication. He sets fire to the landlord ‘s house which makes him homeless. As it is mid-winter, he faces several difficulties; however, he overcomes most of them by one means or another.

The Rule of the  Road: Summary and Themes

In a  witty piece of writing  A.G.  Gardiner brings out the essential difference between individual and social liberty and the need for adjustment between the two.  He illustrates how unlimited freedom will only lead to disorder.  Man is a part of society and he should always realize his social obligations.

Snowdrop By Ted Hughes: Summary and Question Answers

The poem is written by Edward James Hughes. In this poem, the poet describes in a few words a very tough and cruel image of nature. He creates an atmosphere of a hard winter and uses images from nature to portray the toughness and brutality that a severe winter brings. The poet describes in a few words the way the winter has reduced the horizon of many creatures. He says the world has shrunk and many outdoor creatures are on the verge of death. They no longer scurry or fly as they used to.

Miracles By Walt Whitman Summary and Questions

For ages, people have had differing opinions about miracles. Did miracles really happen or the universe is the product of a chance? Across all cultures, peoples, and time periods, there have been stories of miracles. According to the general view, miracles are hard to believe and can’t be explained on scientific grounds. But Whitman claims that he has never known anything other than miracles.

Persons Living with Disabilities (PLWDs)

Governments all over the world have embarked on challenging and ambitious vision to enable the achievement substantive equality especially for the disabled persons among other minority and marginalized people. People living with disabilities deserve equal choices and opportunities to enable them to bolster the quality of their lives. They should be treated equal members in any society. Disability is the result of an impairment, which may be cognitive, physical, sensory, emotional, mental, developmental, or a combination of them. It is a problem in the structure or function of the body.